Thursday, December 16, 2010
Saying no is a part of being a parent! / Its not tobaccos fault you smoke
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The holiday rush into the Maine chill

Friday, November 19, 2010
I am sorry Arnold....but fuck California
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Relax...your fine
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
What I would do in a Zombie invasion
Friday, November 5, 2010
65 red roses....kind of an eye opening experience/ Hope
Detective Del Spooner: Headed back to the station. Normal day, normal life. The driver of a semi fell asleep at the wheel. Average guy, wife and kids, working a double. *Not* the devil. The car he hit, the driver's name was Harold Lloyd. Like the film star, but no relation. He was killed instantly. But his twelve-year-old was sitting in the passenger's seat. Never really met her. Can't forget her face, though. Sarah.
[fingering the necklace]
Detective Del Spooner: This was hers. She wanted to be a dentist. What the hell kind of twelve-year-old wants to be a dentist? Yeah, um... the truck smashed our cars together and pushed us into the river. You know, metal gets pretty pliable at those speeds. She's pinned, I'm pinned, the water's coming in. I'm a cop, so I know everybody's dead. Just a few minutes until we figure that out. NS4 was passing by and jumped in the river.
NS4 Robots: [from flashback] You are in danger!
Detective Del Spooner: [from flashback] Save her!
NS4 Robots: [from flashback] You are in danger!
Detective Del Spooner: [from flashback] Save her! Save the girl!
Detective Del Spooner: But it didn't. Saved me.
Susan Calvin: The robot's brain is a difference engine. It's reading vital signs. It must have done...
Detective Del Spooner: It did. I was the logical choice. It calculated that I had a 45% chance of survival. Sarah only had an 11% chance. That was somebody's baby. 11% is more than enough. A human being would've known that. Robots,
[indicating his heart]
Detective Del Spooner: nothing here, just lights and clockwork. Go ahead, you trust 'em if you want to."
mmm sleep
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
what do you want...a cookie?
Monday, October 25, 2010
"...and then you go and do something like this....and TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF!!"
Dear Friend of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife:
As you know from our recent email to you, IF&W had a Freedom of Access Act request from Kittery Trading Post for our customer email address list. The Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) is a law that requires a state agency to provide public records to anyone upon request. We provided our customer email address list to Kittery Trading Post, and Kittery Trading Post did pay the fee that is required to get that list.
Both Kittery Trading Post and IF&W apologize for any issues this matter may have caused you. The folks at Kittery Trading Post have always had a great working relationship with this agency and our customers. This email is to inform you that Kittery Trading Post has decided to return our customer email list to us unused. We look forward to continuing our strong partnership into the future.
Your Friends at the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Friday, October 22, 2010
What is a libertarian part duex
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Pictures of Maine

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Your running for the Senate and you don't know the first amendment?
Christine O'Donnell please stop running for the Senate right now. If you cannot be bothered to even pretend to know the Constitution please just stop running for congress. The first amendment is the following:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
You don't see why/how that is a separation of church and state??
I had to add a whole new label for this....fucking stupid
Sure it may be a right, but personally you suck
As a former Boy Scout who was very active throughout my time it sickens me that the BSA is going to take this stand. You are required to get 3 separate citizenship badges in Boy Scouts in order to rise in rank. How is it being a good citizen to hate someone because they are gay? If anything they should be encouraging people from every aspect to join. The more variety that is allowed in Boy Scouts the more the scouts will learn.
And its not a matter of someone teaching "gay" thought either. No BSA leader should be bringing in their personal views to try and change the way a kid thinks. You are there to teach them how to be a good person and how to camp. If you hate black, do it on your own time. If you hump goats, do it on your own time. Continue the rule that you must have at least two adults at all time. It's not like gay's are going to rape boys more than straights, its the rape part thats the issue not the penis loving part. Don't allow rapists, do your background check and let gays in. Where is the issue?
The point is for kids to have fun and learn there things. As long as that happens I don't see why someone being gay should prevent them from helping kids.
This is not a political post, but more of a social post. I think the BSA should be allowed to exclude gays, I just don't think they should.
Monday, October 18, 2010
God damn you freedom of information act Part II
Fuck you Freedom of Information requests!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Since when is the Pentagon authorized to disagree with the Court?
Ps. A gay person can protect and serve just as well as a straight person. This is America home of the free, not America home of the free unless you are gay in which case you need to pretend you are straight or you may hurt your fellow soldiersfeelings. Your fellow soldiers don't like it then they should take a dishonorable discharge. They sign up to protect and serve the people and constitution of the United States, including people they dont agree with. If they don't want to carry out that charge then get the fuck out of the military you stupid cowards.
All the MMA kids will cringe at seeing this but it's the truth in this case.
" Mine is not to question why, mine is but to do or die" Do your jobs, I'm sorry your big macho-ness is offended by a gay person, just do your damn job
Friday, October 8, 2010
Why would you trust your children to an 11 year old?
Putting the fact that she killed a baby aside why would you ever trust an 11 year old to watch a child. Ok so before anyone gets worked up and starts saying that they were babysitters at 11 I am not saying that it's an 11 year olds fault for not having the skills to babysit. I am sure there are plenty of 11-15 year olds (my sister in law LF is one of them) who do very well watching children. But think of it from the mindset of an 11 year old. To do that I will pose a scenario
Lets say that you are an 11 year old babysitter watching a 2 year old (like in the above scenario). Lets say that said 2 year old is running around and falls. Lets say they had something in their mouth. Now all of a sudden a fall is a very seriously thing that many (not all) 11 year olds aren't capable of handing. I think i would be ok at 11, but I am not even that sure of that.
Interestingly I discussed this thought with BQ and she mentioned that she took a baby sitter class before her parents allowed her to babysit. Fantastic idea! At least that way they will have a basic knowledge of first aid, CPR and many other emergency situations.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
What the hell is a meme?
I guess this is why guys are never a part of these things. I was thinking the other day what I would say if someone sent me one of these meme request thingys and this is it....its freaking dumb.
Which brings me to another point that I wanted to discuss. Now I understand that self exams do not always reveal lumps or anything like that(this is everywhere not just the breasts people) I also understand that things such as mammograms and uncomfortable and also don't always work. But I am getting a little annoyed at people who bitch and moan about these things. Yes it hurts to get a colonoscopy and a mammogram. But here are your options a squeezed boob/ a camera up the butt, or possible death. I mean this is pretty much a no brainer. Luckily I haven't heard a lot of this form my friends, mostly in the media. But its like dude yes it sucks, but dying sucks more get over it.
This thought was brought on by reading a story about a high school junior who had to have his leg amputated after an accident. Obviously it would suck hardcore to have your leg cut off,but the kid said ok now I build up again. It confuses me that youth seems to give people an edge in this situation. Many younger people seem to have the ability to pick themselves up and move on, while many older people tend to wallow. This is not backed up by any scientific study, just my thoughts.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
" Ahh I'm getting a little tired of this!" " You volunteered didn't you? We're paying you aren't we?"
I started out this blog with a clear cut direction, but have sort of had trouble getting things going. There are lots of things I would like to address (somethings random people have said about me recently, my AMAZING honeymoon to Florida with my lovely wife, the crazy changes happening at CSL (and my subsequent time in the penalty box aka BQ's new office). However I don't have enough to write on the majority of these topics that the people reading this blog probably haven't heard before. Instead I am going to focus on what seems to be the constant plauge in my life... stupid
This study says that 1 in 4 students/young adults binge drink.... yea? I mean is this really a surprise to anyone? But that isn't the stupid I am refering to, that little nugget is about half way down the page.
"Binge drinking increases many health risks, including fatal car crashes, contracting a sexually transmitted disease, dating violence and drug overdoses," CDC Director Dr. Thomas Frieden said in a statement.
Now at first glance you may not see the dumb. I 100% agree that binge drinking has many health effects. And also that everything stated in that statement is bad. However to say that binge drinking increases many health risks such as the above listed is ridiculous. Health risks are the risks associated to your health in a statement. The only one of the above that could be considered a health risk is contracting an STD. Drunk driving isn't a health risk, sure its a risk to your health, but its not a health risk. The fact that its a stupid statement could almost be ignored except for the person who said it; Dr. Thomas Frieden the director of the CDC. This man chose not to list any actual health effects of binge drinking; cirrhosis of the liver, dental and mouth problems, etc. He wants to get up on his soap box and make a social statement. You work for the CDC you tell me the health risks, we have politicians to tell us the social risks. Stop stepping out of your area of expertise when using the title director of the CDC. If you want to say Dr. whatever then fine, but you are brining in a federal institution with a reputation and to make inaccurate statements is unacceptable.
Ok so that was a pretty weak post, but for some reason this guy really got under my skin. I will post again this evening hopefully with a more thoughtful post.
Ps. Anyone name the movie the title is from?
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Conscientious Objectors
To me this is the true measure of honor and duty. Here is a guy who was a conscientious objector, finding fighting to be against his religion. Instead of saying o hey I don't want to fight I am out of here, he took a fantastic approach. He became a medic. It seems to me this is the perfect thought for what a CO should be. This is saying that he wants to help people, he doesn't want them to be hurt. He is going out of his way to help his countrymen (and any others for that matter) by healing them. The fact that he won the Congressional Medal of Honor is not relevant (although I think its fantastic) Here is a guy who didn't abandon his post nor his duty and still followed his beliefs. I think more people should do this
Monday, September 20, 2010
Fall equinox/eating healthy
The Autumnal equinox is on Wednesday, 22 September this year, so what better time to decide to try and be healthier than the fall harvest type time. Not only am I motivated by the seasonal changes, but there is so much good food in the fall.
MF and I went to Cannan Farm yesterday to pick up some fall type decorations and I was so excited to see all the pumpkins, squash etc. Such great food.
All of that was nothing compared to what happened today. Usually I am indifferent about apples, they are fine but I am not going to write home about them. I had an apple today and it was the most delicious thing! So it pops into my head, why am I eating sugary, greasy crap when this is way more satisfying. So this is where I need everyones help. I am going to try and eat more healthy and I need as many recipes as you all have. That seems to be the best way to find healthy food because you know the person you are getting it from likes it. So anyone who has websites with tasty food, cook books, secret family recipes, anything let me know ( BQ from The Sailing Foodie I am looking at you)
The second thing I am going to try and do for this Autumn season is to have less to drink. I dont think that I am over indulgent horribly or anything like that, but I think I would rather just do healthy stuff instead. It's so nice to wake up in the morning and be 100% clear headed, I find I sleep badly after drinking anything.
So those are my two "resolutions" for the season. After linking to BQ's blog my topic is somewhat similar, but that's ok. Now bring on the pumpkin pie!
T-Minus 110 Hours
1)Stick to your budget and be greedy.
Remember that it's YOUR wedding. It's not your mom's, sisters, brothers, aunt or friends. That doesn't mean neglect them, but if you really like something and they don't then fuck them and get it if its in your budget.
2)The price of everything is at least doubled when you say the word wedding.
Expect it.
3)People who say its all about you very rarely mean it.
Through this process we have only had about 4 or 5 people that have said its your wedding and meant it. I feel like we may be a bit lucky in this respect because we have such fantastic friends. Remember your family may love you but they also love themselves (no matter how cool they seem)
4)Be careful who you put in your party
Not going to lie this is one of the most important. Remember that these are the people who are your special forces/shock troops. Use them!! That's one of the things I wish I had done more. Instead we tried to do everything ourselves and the wedding party sat in standby, we should have utilized them!!
5)Weddings bring out the worst in family
The ABSOLUTE worse. You are going to get to see a look into the very fires of your families badness. They may be sweet and caring, but say wedding and it's like calling forth a demon that has no intention of being your cuddly friend.
The most important thing to do is remember why you are getting married. For us we were engaged for two years, a long time when you think about it. If anything our relationship has broadened and gotten stronger over time for one reason, we remembered that the wedding was about love. Take weekends off from wedding planning. Support your significant other (whether you agree or not) Talk to each other as much as possible. That's the most important part of a wedding.
Friday, September 17, 2010
I am pretty sure the ninja/zombie/robots have started their attack
Brand new prescription sunglasses--killed in action
Belt--Missing in action (recovered)
Camera Cord--MIA
Hat--Killed in action ( New one acquired)
Bag of rocks--MIA (presumed captured by ninja/zombie/robots (update 20 Sept. a new bag of rocks has been acquired)
butter knives--many MIA (ok this wasn't me but was at the house)
Shoes--MIA (recovered from CV)
This is just insane. I never loose this much stuff, its just crazy.
Also I am pretty sure those crazy agents snuck into the Ipswich Town Hall and messed with our marriage liscense. I have to call since my dad's name is listed as Peter Horward instead of Peter does a ninja/zombie/robot sneak around so easily??
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Thank God I have my frog
Below is a picture of my little stone frog, I am now fielding name ideas for said frog
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
sorry for the delay/grounding
I have always been very interested in the super natural/spiritual/occult or whatever you really want to call it. To me it makes just as much sense as religion and I have always really thought of the two as one in the same. There are natural forces in the world (there is no way to dispute that)and it fascinates me to no end what people from different places have built off of those natural forces.
Recently I have been on a Buffy the Vampire Slayer kick (yea I am not ashamed to admit it)And I have become interested in the actual practice of Wicca, not the witchcraft practiced in the show. I had done some reading into the topic when I was just getting into college, but never really had a lot of luck.
Being a little better off financially I actually went to the book store and found a couple of books on the topic. One of the books was what you would expect cast spells blah blah blah. The other book however was what I had been looking for all along. It delved more into the history and information on Wicca. Inside of that book I found a chapter on grounding.
Grounding is the idea that you take all of the bad energy out of your body and put it into something else. From what I think energy is a natural thing, whether it be "bad" or "good" is all in how it is making you feel. The person in book said the best way to describe was how Obi Wan described the force in Star wars
"It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together. "
When there is an abundance of energy you feel stressed or overwhelmed. As a trick to book suggested both meditation and grounding. I found grounding a bit easier. The idea is to picture the energy in your body that you want to rid yourself of and then picture yourself pushing that energy out. This has really helped me through the stressful times of the wedding planning and all that. It may seem goofy, but if it works then that's what counts.
Ps. I am once more reiterating to the world since it seems some people may have forgotten. Don't fuck with my loved ones, or we will have issues.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
This kid is fucking stupid. If I was his dad I would sue him for being a dumbass
Monday, August 30, 2010
Banning of novelty lighters will not reduce the novelty of fire
A novelty lighter is a lighter that is made to look like something else, a truck, a Christmas tree, a smurf, etc. I understand why this rule was made, they look like toys and kids like to play with toys. Kid plays with lighters, lighter set kids on fire, kid is injured or worse. However this legislation will not do anything to change the amount of fires caused by children playing with lighters and matches. This is just another perfect example of the state stepping in when its an issue with the parents/adults in these situations. Why is your kid able to get a hold of a lighter, whether it look like a smurf or a lighter? That is the issue here, adults responsibility. It's not the manufactures fault that irresponsible people leave lighters around for children to play with. As long as the exists then fires like this will happen.
Unfortunately there is no real way to solve this issue. Instead of recognizing that fact the state of Massachusetts besides it needs to tell law abiding intelligent citizens that they cannot own these types of things because so people act irresponsible with them. Are you serious? This is one of the huge problems with this state. The people who are getting punished by this law are not the ones who are causing the problems. The ones causing the problems will just continue to do so with lighters and matches, are we going to ban them next? How about shovels? For that matter what about steak knives, fork, spoons, toothbrushes, electricity, pools, dogs, cats, bears, cars, trucks, streets, buckets that can fill with water, glass, shoe laces, hand sanitizer, cleaning products (just to name a few.) These are things that you can die from due to negligence. Its not the lighters fault, the guns fault, Ben Franklin's fault, or Henry Fords fault, its the people who are negligent and leave these potentially dangerous things around for children to play with. Grow a set and take responsibility for child proofing your house from all of the above.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Want to go for a drive? Careful they are watching!
In 9 western states now law enforcement can place a gps tracking system on your car without a warrant or any type of court order. Say what? This is America, we have the clever thing called freedom. If I want to drive around in the desert where drugs are being grown (example from the news story) that is allowed! Driving past them, looking at the drugs, is not a crime. So why does the US Government have the right to track my car? Its not their business where I go. Nor is it there right to know.
Now I know the popular thing to say to things like this "Well if you haven't done anything wrong than you don't have to worry" That's not the way it works. I am a free citizen to go and do what I choose,so long as I am within the law. However if I just happen to have a friend who is a drug dealer or something that means that a GPS tracker could implicate me in drugs or something? No its up to the state to prove I am guilty, not up to me to prove I am innocent.
This, to me, seems like one of the worst decisions in legal history. Whats next? Tracking devices on phones, shoes, in our heads? Yes its a big jump from GPS in the car to GPS in our heads, but its not out of the realm of possibility. Are we going to have to carry around a little national ID card with a GPS chip in it "for our own protection"?
You know what give me my right to bear arms, my right to go where I want, and I will take care of myself. I don't need your help government, thanks for asking.
Scott Brown/Sarah Palin/Current Events
That being said I wanted to do a shout out of topics in the news recently that I have read about which fascinate me.
First up Jimmy Carter in North Korea to free a US citizen from the DPRK. Now I have always been of the mindset that, if a country holds a US citizen hostage then we take action, but not if we break another countries law. This guy broke the law of North Korea, guy deserves to be in a N. Korea jail. Do I think his sentence was fair, no I don't, but that DPRK law. So why are we sending in people to negotiate for his release, a guy breaks our laws in our country and I hope we don't let him out.
The UN peace keeping forces and how much they suck. So how do 400 people get raped when a UN peace keeping force is down the road? They use the excuse well we didn't know. What do you mean you didn't know? You were warned of a large force in that area, you know that these types of forces have a history of rape. Put 1 and 1 together people. I am not a huge fan of the UN (love the idea, meh with the reality) but if you are there to do a job then do the job right.
Mothers/Fathers killing their babies. So when did it become a mental health issue to be annoyed with your baby. Like the fact that you don't want to have a baby, or that you are annoyed with it doesn't give you the right to kill it. There is the person in Europe (I think Britain but im not sure.) who killed 8 of her babies because she didnt want to have them or ask for contraception. I'm sorry to any mental health person who thinks this is a mental health issue, but these people are shit. I think they should be taken out back and shot like the dogs they are. You don't kill a baby, that's just off limits. Even many murders think child killers are scum.
Thats all for now. On a more personal note the wedding is in less than a month. It has been a very up and down ride to get to this point (with planning and all that fun stuff) but we are almost there. So hope to see you all at the wedding on the 25th!
Friday, August 20, 2010
The R-word...what are you four?
It seems ridiculous to me that we have to a point where we can't even mention the words that people find offensive. Now we have to say things like the C-word, N-word, and the R-word. Well I got a word for all of you, the F word. Fuck you guys
It sickens me that effectively words are being outlawed. Outlawed words, this is America for God sake! We have something called freedom of speech, remember that little amendment? I am not saying that you have to use a word if you don't like it, but if you can not even say that word ever then I have no respect for you. If Jennifer Aniston uses the word retarded then its her own choice. I think that I should able to call people cunt the same way others use dick. I don't because it offends people, I sicken even myself.
This is America and we have a law against totalitarian bull crap like outlawing words. No there isn't a law out there that outlaws them, but I am worried thats the next step. People need to mind their own business and live life, don't concern themselves with what others think. They can think whatever they want so the pressure that is exerted on people to think and say what society wants is just horrible.
MF and I have had this discussion before and I know that many don't consider this outlawing of a word. Which is true in the strictest sense, but it scares me that could be the next step, so I feel I need to put it out there now.
The running of the brides
Crazy man
So what if you deaf your still a theif
Read this
First of all the response by Forever 21 was fantastic, the security guard didn't follow protocol so he is already suspended.That right there (and any further court proceedings due to the violence of the guard is a different story.) What does this guy being deaf have to do with anything. They didn't tackle him because he was deaf, they tackled him because he fucking stole shit. The fact that he is deaf shouldn't even have been mentioned in this story. Being deaf shouldn't afford you any different rights then anyone else. I mean how is this story about a deaf guy and not about the fact that people are mad a security guard at the mall tackled someone? I dont give a shit if your gay, black, white, middle easter, Australian or have no legs. It doesn't make you special or anything, you are just like every other person. So if you steal shit then you should pay for it.
"An advocacy group for the deaf wants the clothing store chain to train workers to be more sensitive to hearing-impaired customers.
"We're making sure that it won't happen again," said Patricia Hughes, CEO of the Greater Los Angeles Agency on Deafness (GLAD)."
That statement right there says it all. Be more sensitive? The mother fucker stole shit. Its not an issue of him being deaf, he broke the law.
Stupid PC
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Tragic accident? You got hit by a fucking train!
This story literally made me shake my head. Yes of course it is tragic for his family and friends....but you got hit by a fucking train. Why did you get hit by a train? Because you and your dumb friends decided it was a good idea to try and run across a bridge after you saw the train coming....after you saw it coming? Sorry dude, sucks you got hit by a train, but wasn't there a brain cell somewhere in there that was like hey probably not a good idea?
Also whats with people getting hit by trains? I can understand if you have a medical emergency in front of a train, or you get pushed into the train, or maybe even that you tripped in front of the train. But people still get hit by trains and are killed when they are on train tracks or something like that. I mean the train is on tracks it's not like it can go very far out of a straight line. Just dont stand on those three feet and you will be fine!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Seriously? You are the President!
Alright this is just plain crazy. President Obama has led the presidential race in times appearing on prime time cable shows; Jay Leno, David Lettermen, ESPN (for the dumb college basketball bracket)and now The View. Dude you are the President, not some kind of ridiculous TV celeb. You are supposed to be controlling the most powerful military in the world. You could be helping with the crippling economic issues so many people are having right now, or maybe trying to help out with the current job market since college grads are coming out with no job and 100 k in debt. But no you decide to go on The View.
I understand the thought behind it. Touching base with a group who you haven't touched base with. As one of the comments on the bottom of the stories says the group that watches the view doesn't necessarily watch CSPAN. That being said thats what you have a press group for. The presidents job is to get things going, not go on TV. So far he has gotten nothing done on some of the most important issues, but goes on TV. Stop going on TV and do work. Try spending the time you would be on the View balancing the budget or some other activity that I deem a bit more important than what Whoopi and Barbara have to say.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Hi America remember me....the citizen?
Why are we doing joint military drills with S.Korea. What happens between North and South Korea isn't our problem. So now we are saying to the N. Koreans that we are activly preparing for war. Dude we need to worry about us...the United States. Forget Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran etc. We need to pull in and protect our own borders. We have people illegally entering the country and a lack of man power to preven this, but we have two wars going and are doing drills in the faces of another country that hates us? Dude come on. We need to worry about us. If people believe in the UN and all this stuff then they should be handling the S/N korea issue...not the United States alone.
But lets go a step further back from this. How much does a war cost? How much money are we spending in Iraq and Afghanistan right now that could be used to help American jobs or to help American infrastructure? And you are going to waste more money to send out troops to another place to fight in another war that the people involved dont want us in? Well fuck them, let them fix their problems and we can worry about our problems.
Laser weapons...the next step in war
So it scares me that this is an actual technology now. Things that had always been in the realm of make believe and science fiction are coming the rise of the machines next?
Thursday, July 15, 2010
What is a libertarian?
This is a great definition of the way I view Libertarians
"Are Libertarians liberal or conservative?--Libertarians are neither. Unlike liberals or conservatives, Libertarians advocate a high degree of both personal and economic liberty. For example, Libertarians advocate freedom in economic matters, so we're in favor of lowering taxes, slashing bureaucratic regulation of business, and charitable -- rather than government -- welfare. But Libertarians are also socially tolerant. We won't demand laws or restrictions on other people who we may not agree because of personal actions or lifestyles."
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Bad parenting actually exists....
So I read this news story and it actually went as far to say that people who leave their kids in the car (the kid died of hyperthermia) are not bad parents. What the fuck are you talking about?? That is the DEFINITION of bad parenting. You forget about your kid in the car, leave them there, and they die?? I mean if thats not bad parenting what is?
I am not saying that those people are bad people or meant for this to happen, but it IS bad parenting guys. Sometimes people are to blame for what they do! Criminy
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
A great story
Friday, June 25, 2010
illegal is illegal no mater your merits
This isn't about open borders either (although I personally think open borders is ridiculous) this is about violating law. The law is one the books and he violated that. He should have to pay the price just the same as any one else.
You mean I actually have to pay for power?
I know that this story does not have all the details, but if the power company followed everything they say is their policy then its the ladies fault she is dead. Just because you need a machine to help keep you alive doesn't mean that you are owed power. If I need to pay for my power, than you need to pay for your power. If the lady was sent all these notices and stuff and didn't pay then I don't feel sorry at all that they shut off the power. I am so sick of people thinking they are owed something.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
"Is a happy meal happy with out a toy?"
Apparently this group CSPI has decided that McDonalds (a private organization) having toys in their happy meals is making our children have bad eating habits. Its not that parents who bring their kids to McDonalds and pay for said happy meals. It's the 4 year old that wants the toy thats being influenced. Dude i don't care they are kids, just ignore them. Tell them no, its really that simple!
Best quote ever
""If you can't control a 3-year-old child for a toy, God save you when they get to be teenagers," Gage told the Los Angeles Times"
Monday, June 21, 2010
Gun control
This is what I have thought so many times. Why is it that only guns fall under the category of if someone dies with it its the guns fault? What about knives? Or baseball bats? Or golf clubs? There is a comment at the bottom of the page that says that the reason guns are in this category are that they are made to kill things. Well how about knives? They were invented to kill people and animals, so why are they different. Anyone who wants to regulate the device itself is stupid. Its an object, it can't shoot by itself. Besides that criminals don't care about breaking laws like this. Its only the legit gun owners that are being punished. Imagine what would happen if they started limiting everything that could kill someone????
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Does drawing distinctions perpetuate racism/discrimination?
For example lets take the scenario that a person gets shot by the police. In this scenario you have three things present; the police, the person getting shot and the bullet.
Now add in a describing word, lets say green (since i dont want people to think im racist or anything crazy like that.) Now the sentence reads like this; The green person was shot by the police. Now my question is why do you need the green? The fact that the person was green is not adding any information to the sentence.
Now lets change it a little bit again; the person was shot by the police because they were green Now green means something.
I guess what I am trying to get at is that it seems to me that society (although it likes to pretend to want equality for all) really wants to draw as many distinctions as humanly possible. By adding what color someone was, how they were dressed, or their ethnicity that changes the whole meaning of a sentence. Now if those things were the CAUSE of something then they are vastly important, but if they are just describing words they are rolling the thought in a direction that it may not need to go.
In a recent study that I saw on CNN children were shown a picture of 5 children ranging from pale white to dark back and were told to choose the best one. The majority of them chose the white one. When asked to pick the worst the majority picked the black. Now just the wording of this question ruins this entire experiment and here is why. If you ask a kid which is the worst and which is the best then they will choose two. That doesn't mean they think the worst thing they picked is bad, just that something needed to be worse. Now you may say well why do children think black kids are the worst.... they don't. Think of what the color white versus the color black are. Black is associated with the dark, scary, unknown. White is associated with light, good and known. To think that 5 year olds on that scale picked the white girl because they hate black people is the stupidest thing i have ever heard. What they should have asked is what do you think of these pictures? Are any of them bad or do you think they are all good? if they say one is bad then ask why.
I know this is a jumble and really probably only makes sense to me, but I think that the world needs to think of the meaning of what they are saying and report the facts, not the thought behind the facts. By saying black and white, gay and straight, male and female when its not needed is just making the divides more clear. Instead report the facts and if those words have something to do with the facts and what happened then address it. Just because a guy kills a girl doesn't mean he hates girls. Just because a person of one race kills a person of another race doesn't mean it happened due to race. Many times a crime is committed for no other reason than hate in general, not a specific hatred.
I will revisit this later as i think I can make more sense of it outside of work
Just because a girl dresses like a slut doesn't mean she is one. Just because a young guy dresses like a gangster doesn't mean he is one (and even if he was it doesn't mean he deserved what was coming to him)
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Fuck this lady
Fuck this lady. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you can demand to have it taken down. Just because a portrait is of someone you find to be a reprehensible person doesn't mean that every one has to tip toe through the tulips when mentioning him around you. This lady claims to not want to forget the past, well fuck her. I think she is a goddamn hypocrite who wants to remember just the good and not that bad. And don't get me wrong, if she wanted to do that thats fine. However the second you demand that a picture be taken down because you don't like it i think you are a pathetic human being who wants to live in a little fantasy world.
Fuck you lady, grow up! If you don't like it don't go, don't prevent other people from seeing something they might enjoy.
Monday, May 17, 2010
10-15 with the option of life
Look I hate rapists and child molesters just as much as the next guy. But you can't just keep adding time to their sentences. If this is an issue then make the original sentencing harsher. If you do the time that you were given then they should let you out. The power to extend someones sentence is ridiculous. I mean thats why we have laws, in order to assure that no one has that kind of power. If you want to give them indefinite life sentences for rape and child molestation then do it, but you cant just keep adding time, this is America we have laws ( This is a rather police state-ish move by the Supreme Court)
Immanent Domain
Immanent Domain
Ok so as promised lets talk a bit more about this article. Immanent domain has to be the stupidest idea I have ever heard! How is it legal for the government to take your land. I dont care how much they offer to pay for it they should require the owners permission. I mean the best way I can think of it is that it would be like them coming to me and saying that they needed my house in Maine to do something. Despite the fact that I wouldn't sell the place for any amount of money they would take it from us, the rightful owners. Despite the fact that place is on its third generation of people going up to it, they would take it. I mean can I take land from the government? Why are only they allowed to exercise this magical power of legally taking land from the rightful owners?? unreal
Friday, May 14, 2010
See this is what happens
See this is what happens when people just want to add new laws. I haven't read the law, but if Trasnocean is covered under this definition and law then the state/federal government has no right to go after them. This is the issue when laws are not updated or taken out when they are outdated. Yes i know thats a large amount of data and all that, but this is why laws and rules need to be more thought out and not just added on top of one and other
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
A star on Earth...really?
Why does it seem to anyone to be a good idea to make a small star on the Earth? How is anyones mind is that safe. We have zero control over that kind of power and they are going to try and make a star to solve the energy crisis? How about trying to solve the "We just got blown to shit because we tried to make a star" crisis? It seems like someone didn't quite think this one true? I mean yes I am sure that a star would have ample power to solve our power needs, but how can we control that kind of power when people still get killed from electricity, which is only a fraction of the power??
This really brings me to a bigger issue...why does man think he can control nature? I mean nature has proven us time and time again that despite all of our "advances" in technology we are no match for the awesome power of an earthquake or flood, so who thought that we were ready to tangle with the power of an star?? ITS A FREAKING STAR!!
Monday, April 26, 2010
The insanity defense
For those who don't know what it means the insanity defense means that a person is found innocent of a crime by reason of mental disease or defect. In other words they were crazy when it happened and therefore not responsible for themselves. I have been having a moral dilemma recently about this excuse. Now before people jump to conclusion I am not saying that they were not crazy when they did something. People act outside of what they normally would when they are mentally disturbed no doubt about it. The issue I am having is whether or not that is the publics issue.
Bear with me. If a schizophrenic (or whatever mental disease you want to choose) can take medicine to control their condition and murder someone when off the medicine then they can use the insanity defense. I mean you may have been crazy when you killed the person, but you stopped taking your meds and made yourself a danger to society. Isn't that what our court system is supposed to do, protect the public. Now I am also not saying that I think that people should be thrown in jail if they are insane. I think they should be put into a facility for a set amount of time (and beyond if they are not cured) I am not sure if this thought in my head is really what i believe is right, but I am having a really hard time with the insanity defense lately.
The case in MA right now is the John Ogdren case in which he went into a bathroom at his school and killed a random classmate that had never done anything to him. To tell the truth if you plan the crime the the extent this kid did and then you kill them I think that you deserve to be put in jail. I know thats counter to my previous thought of going into a mental health facility, but you killed an innocent kid who did nothing to you.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Supreme Court justice retiring....third story??
The fact the Deval Patrick says the adults failed Phoebe Prince is not as important as this. Neither is the routine Jonathan Papelbon follows before a game.
Local news media get off your ass and cover the real news. Whoever takes Justice Stevens place WILL help shape the way laws are enforced and that should be #1 99% of the time. Period
Thursday, April 8, 2010
trying people for someones suicide.
First off what is bullying? I tried to google the legal definition in Massachusetts, but couldn't find any so this will have to do.
"A person is bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons, and he or she has difficulty defending himself or herself."
Let me put out a scenario for you right. Lets say that your teenage son doesn't get along with your neighbors teenage son. They go to the same school, but are fine there, its only when they are at home that its a problem. They like to call each other names and bluster about like young adults (boys) are prone to do.
Now lets say that the neighbor boy kills himself. Lets ASSUME for this scenario it was unrelated to what your son is doing. Obviously there is no way to prove that, but for a second lets assume. Now his family could say well your son bullied my son and now my son is dead therefore its your fault. Well in this assumption we know that this isn't the case.
Obviously thats just a thing that could happen, but in there is one very important factor...THERE IS NO WAY TO PROVE IT. Bullying doesn't equal suicide. And its not even considered negligence or anything like that. Maybe in this case it doesn't apply, but the thought needs to be put forth before it becomes a law. What about the first person who isn't nice to someone, but isn't the cause of their suicide...what about them?
By making legislation against bullying they are saying that its never ok to do anything that anyone doesn't like. Can you say the beginning of the end????...I can
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
technology is overrated
The rain has stopped in MA so that's a huge plus and the current temperature in Beverly is 83 degress. Glorious.
Now onto technology. As some know MF and I have gotten rid of cable all together, a monumental step many have said. I say nay. I think its a great step. I was worried that I would miss it and that I would be bored and have nothing to do, while that isn't the case at all. One we still have netflix and the ability to watch movies, but also I think that your mind is forced to move onto something else when TV isn't there to occupy it. I have plans for this lack of TV (including an hour of guitar playing a day, more reading and more character development.)
This leads me to a thought I have probably 10 times a day. Why can't I just move into the woods and live. Well obviously there is the lack of knowledge enough to live in the woods. That could be learned though. The other thing is the idea that life would be worse. We wouldn't be able to enjoy any of the modern amenities such as lots of TV and things like that. We would have to get some sort of small job to support electricity as I am pretty sure MF would leave me if I said I wanted to live in a hovel in the woods with out electricity. But you could find a perfectly good house in Maine and live there and have minimal contact with all these fancy technologies. Cutting out technology all together would be bad, but keeping very to nature and only enjoying those technologies every once and a while would make me sooo happy.
I wanna go to the woods!!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
what is a right?
For those of you who know me you already know what my stand on government run health care is, but I have found it interesting listening to others argue about it lately (whether it be for or against)
I have heard so many liberals people make the following statment. Why shouldn't everyone have healthcare, its the peoples right to have it. Ok I feel its not that I need to make this statement. No one has a right to a right. I know thats confusing so let me explain. The definition of right (as pertaining to your unalienable right) is an abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition By this definition nothing is a right until it is guaranteed by law or tradition. That means you cannot use the argument its a right until the law is passed, then it becomes your right.
Now for the conservative side, . You say well in order to guarantee your safety we need to infringe on your rights. HELL NO. This has to be the stupidest idea in the history of man kind. It is a right for the sure purpose that you cannot (or are not supposed to)be able to infringe on it. THIS IS THE WORST THING THAT A GOVERNMENT CAN EVER DO. MY RIGHTS ARE THERE FOR A REASON SO THEY WILL STAY THERE AND YOU (the government) WILL NOT VIOLATE THEM IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM.
So in closing, liberals don't try and use rights as an argument for a law, just say what the merits of the law are. Conservatives stay the hell out of my life and don't even think about overstepping your bounds......
For all those who argue about the Second Amendment right to bear arms it is my view that the government violating ones rights is one of the reasons the founding fathers put that into the document, we have the right to stand up and defend out rights!
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin
Monday, March 22, 2010
thats right I said it
Hows that for a short and sweet post?
Ps. Let me eat the food I want, no one is telling you to stop being vegan/vegetarian.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Ireland Picture Gallery
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
New Jersey Woman
Its all about a fat woman who wants to reach 1000 pounds. She has a website where people can watch her eat and pose in a bikini.
Now I think this is very odd, but if thats what the lady wants to do all the more power to him. The crazy part is how mad some people have gotten. I mean if the woman wants to be half a ton then let her.
And dont try the she is driving up health care costs argument, because that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. We are trillions of dollars in debt, for the country (not just healthcare) so dont tell me how this one fat woman is costing tax payers thousands.
She is fat and happy, I say all the more power to her.
Besides any future health problems are HER problems not ours.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Survival, stupid and the human race
This entry is about something near and dear to my heart...stupid. I hate stupid. I hate stupid more than anything else in the entire world. Now that is not to say that I hate people if they doing something stupid, or if they make a mistake, or if they act stupid. I am talking about the deep down stupid that can only be represented by things like the following
-People on Jersey shore
-The fact that a pair of jeans can cost upwards of 50 dollars despite the fact the material, labor and transportation couldn't equal more than 10-15 dollars.
-People who can't make up their mind no matter how much thought is put into it. SHIT OR GET OFF THE POT
-People who try and influence others with lies
-Baby Boomers ( yea I said it. And no I do not think that all baby boomers are stupid or evil, but i do think that their generation has set us back)
-The human race
Ok the last one needs some explanation. I do not dislike the human race ( I used to but thats a different post). In fact, through talk with MF and the Varnsi, I have grown to respect the risk and reward of a species that is not adapted to fit anywhere well. Have you ever thought that thought? Humans are adapted to live everywhere somewhat well, but no where very well. Well I digress
The stupid in the human race is evident more now than it has been in the past because of one thing, our ability to adapt. It is what makes us a unique species,but its also what makes us a scourge on the earth. Now this isn't some crunchy hippie shit either. I dont think that we could destroy the Earth is we tried, life always finds a way (to quote Jurassic park)I am talking in the fact that we are using our cognitive abilities to do all of these things to "help" mankind and are no longer in natural balance with the environment. Through medicine and technology mankind can defeat many of the things that once kept our population in check; disease, wild animals, weather etc.
Now I think this is starting to change. Everyone has noticed the increased amount of natural disasters in the world. The severity and frequency of these events seem to so much more. Now some would say that this is due to news and the advanced ability to report, which I partly agree with. That being said nature recognizes the fact that humans, as a species, cannot be supported. The increase in natural disasters, disease (every kind of flu known to man) and increased violence due to people is natures way of trying to get our population back in check. I really am convinced of it.
Now everyone knows about my survival team, but in case you don't lets talk about it. In my mind I always have a running tally of what I would do should the world resort back to the wild. Lets say a terminator-esque type situation occurred. What would I bring, where would I go, who would I go with? Now many would think of the obvious, food and water. And yes I agree that these are two things that are necessary, but I suggest looking at the people around you for your most valuable assets. Yes water and food are good, but anything that you can store will be done within 10 years (lets be realistic) We do not have the ability to carry years and year and years worth of food that would give us the nutrition we need to survive. That problem can be solved by the type of people you bring. Bring smart people that can improvise. Bring people that have skills and leave those behind that do not. Bring both woman and men because otherwise your group will not survive (there is a reason we are both here). So I know invite you all to help me out. What other traits are necessary? What priorities do you think should be at the top?
Monday, March 8, 2010
tax repeal
Monday, March 1, 2010
So you want to talk to a person?...that will be five dollars please
This is the beginning of the end I think. People keep laughing at me at work because I am convinced machines are going to start taking over the world, but here is some proof. They are going to start charging a five dollar fee to talk to a person at the RMV. A 5 DOLLAR FEE...ARE YOU KIDDING ME? They want to discourage people from going to the RMV branches, step one on the path to a completely online country...Two words for you.... fuck no.
As many of you know I always have a survival team rattling around in my head. Obviously it is made up of my friends and family, but it details what jobs I think people would be most good at. I am now taking all applications for my team... please include your name, viable skills and job you think you would excel at (including secluded housing, cooking, first aid, etc.) That way once the world is taken over by said machines(starting with the computers at the registry of motor vehicles)we will be prepared to carry on the human race.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Anti Bullying
If legislation is passed that means it is law. The second something turns into law then (in reality) it is zero tolerance. Yes it is up to the district attorney on whether they want to press charges, but from the schools point of view it is zero tolerance.
This is going to turn into something like you son called my son a name so now he is expelled and may face criminal prosecution? That is ridiculous, but that is the only way schools can operate. They cannot go against federal legislation limiting bullying. By taking the power away from the schools the government is essentially saying that bullying is now a crime. Bullying is part of life, life is not always a good thing. In fact if life is always a good thing then you are screwed because you have zero idea how to react when something bad happens. To think that something like bullying is being encroached upon by the federal government is sickening.
Here is a thought, pay attention to your kids! I know that is not going to solve all the bullying issues, but sometimes its YOUR kids fault, not the other kid. People voting for this bill are essentially trying to pull ranks on parents and schools on how to deal with issues. Bullying is such a wide term that to legislate it is going to do more harm than good. Would it do good? Yes, but I don't want my kid going to court or the police station because they get in a fight with someone. Fights happen, bullying happens. This is going to take out the common sense factor that schools have now (not that they use is) to punish children as they see fit.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
zero tolerance
I actually laughed out loud when I first read this article. I completely agree with the point that there is no reason for a girl to get arrested because she wrote something on a desk. I think that in itself is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. The thing that made me laugh was that the people who are now outraged at this are the same people that pushed so hard for zero tolerance or completely shat on schools when something happened that they felt should have been forseen.
The whole idea of zero tolerance is pretty simple. These are the rules, if you break them (no matter how small the thing is) you broke them and you have to face a penalty. The thought that zero tolerance works for common sense is a silly thought, you make zero tolerance rules so that common sense (in fact thinking at all) doesn't come into play. Zero tolerance is taking things out of the hands of those who would have made the decisions before (in this case teachers).
I have a split thought on zero tolerance rules such as this. On the one hand I am a very literal person, you broke the rule you pay the price. That being said I think that me being a common sense person wins out in this case. The zero tolerance rules need to be taken out of use and the teachers (in this case) need to be trained on how to react to these types of situations to best represent the opinions of the school administration. The issue with this type of training is that it impossible to teach common sense. That's something that people have to learn on their own. Maybe a clear cut policy and the option to call in an administrator, department head, etc would work best?
I guess really what I think should happen is that, instead of adding all these zero tolerance rules, reduce the amount of rules you have for more quality rules and training for teachers and administrators so that they can properly enforce the rules. This goes the same for laws. Stop adding stupid laws and make the laws we have better. (what I am thinking of specifically in the case of law is stop locking up people for doing drugs(hurting themselves) and give harsher sentences to violent offenders (hurting others)) I know thats a lot of () sorry about that!
I will leave you with this quote from the above article
"There is zero intelligence when you start applying zero tolerance across the board," he said. "Stupid and ridiculous things start happening."
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
That being said I have decided to write a post about the thing that makes me most happy (except of course for MF who kicks natures ass) Nature. The outdoors has always been a big part of my life. I did boy scouts and cub scouts and all that fun stuff, but I also have my place in Maine. My place in Maine is my refuge, probably my most favorite place in the world. I love it when we have massive amounts of people up there for a real party and all that, but I love it most when its a couple people and I can just get outside.

This is a picture from the winter. I have to find a good summer picture and put it up.
Fishing is the time when I feel the most relaxed. I can get away from everything and just sit on a brook and fish. Although of course I would like to catch something, I don't really care if I do or not. This time also gives me the ability to reflect back on the great things about my life. Its easy to focus on the crappy parts, but sometimes its tough to really get a grasp on all the great things in life. My favorite spot is a nice little log bridge over a small brook in backwoods Maine...glorious.

My favorite fishing spot (left)
It makes me excited when it gets to this time of year and I know that sometime in the next 2-3 months the snow will be gone and I will be able to once more sally forth into the great unknown of Andover Maine with my two favorite girls (MF and Maddie) and just relax :)
Cant believe I didn't bring this up!
I found out today that this woman lost! It was not the decision I thought was going to come from this case and I am very happy at the Suffolk District Court members who reached this decision in less than an hour.
This is America! People are allowed to smoke in their own homes. IF you dont like it dont live there.