Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Does it seem like the word raid is getting thrown around a lot lately?
It is becoming more and more troublesome to hear that raids are being carried out across countries. Raids on law abiding citizens. Some would argue that they are not law abiding due to the fact that they do not have the proper permits and things of that nature, which I would grant you. However there is a huge difference between a law breaker and someone who doesn't get the correct permit. The majority of these people are not criminals, and yet are being pepper sprayed and arrested.....
This is the United States of America people! We are entitled to protest under our constitution. Public land is just that, public. Why are people being pepper sprayed and beaten? I don't care how much they piss you off, there is no reason to take those kinds of extreme actions.
And for those of you that are thinking I am anti-police you are dead wrong. As a first responder I understand that those responding are under a huge amount of stress, however police are not above the law. If a cop beats a protester its still assault and battery. I don't understand this free pass to pepper spray/beat people. Police can use force if necessary to remove someone that is breaking the law, pepper spraying someone at a sit in is NOT the use of force if necessary.
Raids are scary to me. Its one thing to disperse a crowd, but a whole other thing to raid and arrest 150 people because you don't like the fact they don't have a permit/are ruining the grass. This is the US not some dictatorship that raids people. Police, state and local politicians do your jobs, but you do not have the authority to conduct raids on the people of the United States!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Bye Bye Barney Frank
Time to shit or get off the pot
Eat right-
This is top of the list because, at the moment, my eating habits are well below where I want them to be. I must admit that after JW was born I got a bit lax about taking care of myself and my eating habits have really gone down the shitter. So first and foremost this month I am working on having good meals (starting with an actual breakfast, not just a granola bar.)
Drink less-
I am not 21 anymore. I think in general it will be good to cut down on the amount I am drinking. Occasional drinks and drinks at get together are, of course, still perfectly fine.
I have become entirely to uptight in the past two years. I think its just the fact that I have become busy and we had the wedding and then (not long after) JW came. I just need to remember to relax and have fun!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Just because a rule pisses you off doesn't mean it is racist/sexist/against a religion
I read this article recently about a young Muslim girl who was offended by the fact that she was not allowed to wear her hijab while in her ROTC uniform. She claims that it is discrimination by her superiors for saying that it isn't allowed.
Sorry kid, but ROTC is a uniformed group. By joining it you are agreeing to certain uniform restrictions, that's a part of ROTC. No one is telling you that you cannot practice your religion, but there are certain rules in things like the military.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Captains log...stardate 10-11-11
As many readers know MW and I had our little boy on 29 August of this year. Little JW is doing very well, getting big, and keeping his parents on their toes. It has been an interesting view into something that is completely different than the way we had been living our lives before. Its has had it's difficult times, but overall it is one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had. Everyone is healthy and happy (although I think MW could do with some more nap time during the day!)Below is a picture!
I am not overly emotional to begin with, but Dad dying put me in sort of an odd spot with a lot of people I feel like. Many people know the history between my dad and I, but for you that don't it was not the greatest. He was a drunk who didn't take the good care of my family and forced me to jump into the adult roll well before I needed to. I am not to upset about this as I have turned into someone that I am proud of and I wouldn't be where I was without those experiences. I made my peace with him long ago, so I can say that he went out with us as friends. However I became the next of kin and executor of the estate when he died. Technically my brother is next of kin as well, but has taken zero interest in anything. I am not ashamed to say that I hate this job, my father left me with zero and I am expected to take care of all his affairs....yea sure I will get right on that.
Needless to say the last two months have been very busy and I have been horrible about updating my blog. I want to do this much more, so hopefully I can pull out a couple of posts a week. I will continue the political aspects of this blog and its great history of hating stupid will be carried on!
Friday, August 19, 2011
When did having a personal opinion become a crime
Monday, August 8, 2011
College campuses and gun owners
Monday, August 1, 2011
Can't have politics without compromise, in fact you can't have much
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
That being said...
Im sorry Canucks....did Timmy Thomas hurt you?
Friday, May 27, 2011
Damn you Patriot Act
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
How did you get to be a state legislator?
Bollier asked him, "And so women need to plan ahead for issues that they have no control over with a pregnancy?"
DeGraaf drew groans of protest from some House members when he responded, "I have spare tire on my car.""
Pete DeGraaf you are a dumbass. Saying that people need to plan ahead for rape is like saying that people should wear a bullet proof vest at all time to prevent themselves from getting shot. How could you possibly be in the state legislature? Your job is to help run the state of Kansas!?
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Thats funny I thought there was something called FREEDOM OF RELIGION?
Breaking news!!
Preparing for a zombie apocalypse, CDC style
Monday, May 16, 2011
Just a funny comic
Friday, May 13, 2011
Wet interesting option
Last month I read a story about a wet-house
and I have been tossing the idea around in my head for a couple of weeks now and I think its an interesting option...
A wet-house is sort of the other side of the coin from a dry-house. A wet house is a community house that allows alcoholics to drink. At first the thought goes against everything we have been raised to think, but lets break it down.
A wet-house provides a place for alcoholics, many of them homeless. to go and stay. The person is given a stipend of 89$ per month to do with what they will, including buying alcohol. The issue that some people have is this is partly financed by the taxpayers, with the rest being financed by Catholic Charities. It seems very odd that someone would be able to spend taxpayer money on alcohol, but lets think think it through for a second.
The amount of money paid to the residents of St Anthony's residence in St. Paul Minnesota is 89 dollars per month. There are approximately 60 people taking advantage of this service.
$89*60 people=$5,340 per month
$5,340*12 months=$64,080 per year
Yes 64,00 dollars a year is a lot to you and me. However in the United States a hospital cannot refuse care to any patient, regardless of their health care situation (which is the way it should be) How much money do you think is spend every year in illness and injury due to homelessness? lets take a look (the below information was found at and belongs to them)
"A University of Washington research team studied a group of 95 chronically homeless alcoholics and found that in one year, they cost taxpayers more that $8 million in hospitalizations, detox centers and incarcerations.
When the same group spent one year in Seattle's Housing first program-- residences where they are allowed to drink--the same group cost $4 million in taxpayer money." (This study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association)
This is a simple math equation here guys. If it is cheaper to have houses where they can drink, then thats the way to go. They cannot get better until they decide to, which is the truth no matter where they live. Why wouldn't we at least give them a place to live??
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Swat called in due to rifle...o wait its an umbrella